I have a small family im going to move to michigan 4 help with seziors and 4 back surgerys i also have a brain injuries that all came from a work related car accident i delt with pain from the accident 4 15 years no doctors could find a problem and they would not help me (no anisurance)(bad speller sry) I used weed 4 the pain and was put in prison 4 5 years whear i had contless siezors and constance pain. I managed to get on ssi and ssidi wile in prison when releasted i foung my wife who belived in me and helped me pushed to get cheacked out more by doctors with my new ssi After being called a lier 4 15 years thay found 2 fist size tumors along my spine 1 on my hip and a broken rib poking into my stomach there for 15 YEARS!! Now they put me on percusits pain pills and a morphine patch on my back. I talk to my doctor about using weed (dr Neuman from Prevea st.Mary clinic1715 Dousman st Green bay, Wi.) and she made me pee to test my levels and told me if she founld weed in my pee next time 4-6 weeks she will drop me as a patient becouse it is illegal. I asked her for help to find a doctor that would help me in michigan and she told me no she couldn't help me:( I dont have much moeny but still im going to try to move on about 1,500 dollors and im scared but my family is beheid me. I dont want to hurt my family by moving them someplace unsafe or unhappy i need help will anyone help me and my family ? please call if u can my name is jeff my beter half name is jean my number is (920)544-4445 i have unlimeted lond distance if u dont this leter took me 1 and a half hours to write due to my brain injr so it is hard to comuncate this way:(
im going 2 post this leter everyware i think it mite help if u can help please tell how we can talk about it and how i can return the favor in someway